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Dragoon 5th Anniversary Speech 2011

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Dragoon 5th Anniversary Speech 2011 Empty Dragoon 5th Anniversary Speech 2011

Post by TheHidden01 Sun Aug 21, 2011 9:52 pm


Every year I write these Anniversary Speeches with the words rolling off my tongue as easy as can be. This year however I find it far more difficult, and have repeatedly re-written this speech mainly because to me this year it really matters far more to convey how we have changed. This year I believe we didn't re-find our MxO'ness, I believe we found something the Dragoons never knew, and here we are basking in the glory of the extreme hard work of everyone to create the atmosphere we have today. Hopefully I can put into words exactly what has changed and why we are on the cusp of truly great things.

With the darkness of the Summer in 2010 truly behind us, the first task was to immediately strengthen the bonds between leadership. Bachos, Demon Fury, and I, did everything to strengthen our friendship so that we can function completely for YOU. I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that I am forever thankful to Demon and Bachos for their work back then. They may not be making as many headlines today, but truly when times really called for them, they shone brighter than any star. I feel as time has moved on they have been lost to history, but here is a re-affirmation. For all the great things we are today, and we are to become, you have played a massive part in directing the Dragoons to this point.

From there we were very successful in World of Warcraft for reasons that is not immediately obvious. In WoW it truly tested many of the precepts that had been sustained through years of management. For one we were forced to forgo the old rule of no higher levels than our max level mainly due to the fact that everyone and their uncle had a top level character. Our next lesson was even though the leadership team was working extremely hard, there was just too much in WoW for the three of us to manage, and we trusted several with powers far earlier than usual. Against the fears of the past, it worked a charm and because of this the Dragoons raided far quicker than expected, and really thrived under the creativity of the new upcoming greats, three remain of a select five that defined that era, which is a testament to what great members we found back then.

After nearly 8 months of successful raids, PvP battlegrounds, the coming and going of Rider, Flatline, and Wanat007 we arrived in DC Universe. DCU's lessons brought the most successful recruitment campaign in the history of the Dragoons, as we recruited nearly 30 people from the game without lifting a finger, thanks to our recruitment thread on the forums. Although no one remained from the DCU era, we adapted ventrilo to be used far more for recruiting, and now all applications are done throughout ventrilo, a relatively new feat to add. After DC Universe we touched down in Warhammer, and although so much happened in WoW, and the amazing developments that came from DCU, it is in Warhammer that I believe we defined our new age and where I focus on for this speech.

Going back to the beginning of our WAR days, Dorek had been made the Underboss, and as you well know for years I have been wrangling with our rank system. It is early in WAR, that I created our brand new rank system and immediately got down to testing it completely with Dorek. In WAR we welcomed so many great new parts of the Dragoons, looking back it was such an amazing period and I am enormously proud of the work we achieved in Warhammer. It was in WAR where the "Brotherhood" returned, and where we really became what is later to become one of the greatest guilds in the history of Online gaming.

Firstly the recruitment and trial systems were tweaked. Gone was the achievement system, replaced with the Boot Camp that was simpler, but was more geared to bringing out the best in the prospects, and to see who really did care about the Dragoons. Since the boot camp procedure we have never needed to kick a full member for foul means. The Boot Camp didn't just test members it brought them closer, taught them teamwork, and helped them to realize we are something very special. Once completed they were given a fully acceptance ceremony, and welcomed to the Dragoons. They would then choose their Captain and everything worked so smoothly and perfectly.

The Rank System to me is one of my greatest achievements. The new system is not about being "important", it's about trusting, training and giving initiative. Dorek and I worked tirelessly and still do to this day making sure it's conveying the right message and teaching the right lessons. Captains no longer hold a title, they are teachers, they are given tasks to complete with their own initiative and from what I have seen Captain's have shown far more care, and have been far more receptive and talented mainly because we are finally giving them freedom to be themselves. Now when you become a leader for who you have shown to be, you are not moulded into a boring yes man, you are encouraged to be you within a Dragoon suit.

From that, the brotherhood has been stronger than anything. Members care and discuss newcomers, they vote, and be honest when people are not the easiest of people to get along with. In PvP, people help each other and in Warhammer we re-defined Dragoon PvP as we truly dominated in only a re-awakened Dragoon could! Leaders at the top are honest, and no longer politic and canive and things are incredibly quaint. We have our problems of course, but I can say this is one of the greatest rosters I have ever worked with, if not the greatest.

One relationship stands out to me though that means an awful lot. Dorek has become quite truly an amazing Underboss. He is a dear friend, a man who I have spent hundreds of hours discussing ideas, I trust him, and admire him, and know he is always by my side. I have never given an Underboss much light, but this year is as much his, as it is mine. He has been here every step of the way. Together we worked on the rank system and tested it together. Together we formed many of the great ideas that float around today. To see Dorek become the great he has become without the shit that follows as history has proven shows what a true power he is to me. My confidence is un-shattering, and I can say as a team we are perfect as your leaders.

As TOR approaches and years of preparation culminates, it's an extremely exciting time to be a Dragoon. Things are developing almost as if it is our fate to be successful in TOR. Old legends have returned to play with us once again, Captains are rising and will probably be looking at even higher ranks right in time for TOR, and then there is an Underboss who is a truly worthy of the title. Everyone is working so hard to make sure our name shines out above the common shit we destroy everyday. People are guiding each other, teaching each other, it is an absolute joy to see others leave channel saying nothing to me, but I know they are teaching each other in the precepts I hold so dear.

Together we are stronger than anything you can imagine, in six short months since the revolution of Warhammer so much has changed, so many great members mixed with old, have risen to carry the Dragoon name into excellence. For me I feel like I am part of a something more special than I have ever accomplished. Everything is developing and right now I feel like I am standing staring at the rising sunset of not just a golden age of brilliance, but an age that re-defines what "Golden" means. A time where we rampage across the gaming world, while maintaining members for many years, laughing, playing, killing, together, as one in the Dragoon name.

I have changed alot as your leader, I have felt the deepest cuts, seen the greatest glories and lead you across an ocean of stories. It's been five years since I founded this guild with WickedDragoon and for me it feels like I have only just finished Chapter 1. I feel as if everything that has happened has lead us to this point, that everything that will happen next, will prove why we are the true kings of the gaming world, and more importantly why we are the DRAGOONS!

I said things would be extraordinay at the end of last years speech, they are, and will continue to be as we move ever closer to our new, and greatest adventur. I am humbled by our success and I am deeply anticipating the coming days. Our destiny approaches boys, and as ever I am forever thankful to call myself your leader. Each of you define me, each of you allow me to be the greatest man I can be. You're here when it rains, and here when I'm laughing. The Dragoons means more to me than anything else, I am neither ashamed or embarrassed to say this, for it is who I am. It is what I have grown to become.

I am yours, and I will continue to be, and I promise with everything I am, that I will show you things that will make your soul sparkle.

Another year down, yet many, many more to come.

Your loyal leader,

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

Number of posts : 19977
Age : 35
Location : Somerset, UK
Position in Command : King
Reputation : 46
Points : 48459
Registration date : 2007-03-11

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