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Dragoon Anniversary Speech 2013

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Dragoon Anniversary Speech 2013 Empty Dragoon Anniversary Speech 2013

Post by TheHidden01 Wed Aug 21, 2013 8:35 pm


Although I have always appreciated, and marvelled at the length of time this guild has lasted, it has really hit home this year the enormity of our seniority. Seven years is an incredible period of time that few guilds can rival. In a time where games last less than a few months for the majority of the community, in a time where guilds collaspe faster than ever, in a time where the very idea of a guild is tool to be used, here we stand strong, seven years and counting.

The Dragoon Brotherhood remains a close knit group, and despite all the moves we have made, despite the obstacles we have faced, we have continued to stand strong against any and all issues that have arisen. It hasn't been an easy ride, at times it's been far from pretty but yet again I feel my heart warming, yet again I sit here happy because I know, for yet another year, we celebrate our anniversary.

This year for me has been very challenging, every year we face new challenges, but at times I have become almost obssessed with solving several cultural issues. The Dragoons is a living entity that evolves and changes and although it may seem odd at times, it is paramount in my eyes, to steer this hungering beast in the right direction. Throughout this year there have been changes, and there have been moments that have raised eyebrows, and made people really question this guild, their place in it, and the direction it's going.

One thing that is certain though is where we are today. Sitting here now I find myself truly happy, overwhelmed by this guild. You see what makes the day complete for me is not the game we play, it's not the amount of posts on our forums, or even the victories in PvP, it's the people that populate this community. Despite all the mental stresses I have put myself through, the changes I have enacted, and the challenging moments we have driven through, the main roster of today stands largely untouched. This year we have celebrated, and will celebrate more membership anniversaries than ever before, we see more peace on ventrilo than past years, and incredibly at times, I have even questioned the point of having a hierarchy. To question such a thing is an amazing thought, to explain it fully, this really shows what a close knit group we have become, it shows what a strong, non-drama, and committed unit we are. To say we don't really need a hiearchy is like saying we are more equal than 99% of guilds, including the best of them.

You see, when I visit the guild section in the games we play, I see guilds that are neatly organized, that can brag about impressive results and numbers, but this is nothing compared to what we are. I know sitting here there are some of you who have deep down questioned whether you can get what you're looking for in this guild, but we all know that there is something distinct about this guild, there is something that pulls us in. This guild is not just any guild, it's not just an "old" guild, it's an idea, it's a vision, it's a reality that we live through and experience. Everyday regardless of where we are, or how our days were, we can come online and be a part of a real community, a family where we can be ourselves, have a laugh, play hard, or soft if some prefer. We can share memories, debate opposing views that wont spur offense or hatred, a place without politics, or stress, a place where we can be free in who we are. The Dragoons is an idea, a belief that even though this is online, even though what we do doesn't pay the bills, or that it can't give us the answer to problems in real life, it can be a place where you can be free. It can be a place where true friendship can form, and a place where you can have an online family.

The Dragoons doesn't just exist in my heart, it's in my soul, if such a thing really exists. It casts a profound sense for me, I share so much time with you all, and feel such a connection. I may joke and laugh beyond the ordinary level, but when I hear that you are sad, I feel it, completely, when I hear you need to talk and you come to me, I feel honoured moreso than you can ever imagine. When you simply laugh, joke, play and spend time with me, share your point of view, I am humbled, and marvelled by you all.

I'll be honest, I don't like the world we live in, or at least the people. I don't like our governments, I don't like mainstream consenses, I don't like the structure that we all go through, with education, to work, to pension, to cancer, to death, but here I am home. In this pixulated, cyberspace, I have a family, I have freedom. You, regardless of whether you feel the same or not, are people I value moreso than you can imagine, people I would fight for, support, and if needed, die for.

The Dragoon Brotherhood is an idea, and every year sometimes we lose sight of what we are, when we are trying to set our path. Sometimes we can be so focused on success, that we miss that right now, we are the most successful guild in this world, at our primary goal... Friendship.

Every year I give myself to you, and know that this will forever continue. There have been many challenges, many changes, we have found an edge, and questioned every aspect of this guild, but the one thing that stands true is that we are all here today, strong, willing, and prepared to be free not just as a guild, but as individuals, and to enjoy our brotherhood, our friendship, our family.

Thank you all, for being here, this is more important to me than any "God", this means more to me than any work promotion. Never stop believing in this idea, never stop being free. You have people here, you are welcomed no matter what you believe or where you are from.

In the future we will no doubt face challenges, but I ask, if anything, that you always remember this vision, the vision of friendship and community, a place for all. This guild is well ahead of it's time, and even though the path in terms of achievement hasn't always gone our way, in the end we will win, in the end we will achieve, but above all, in the end we will still have each other.

Enjoy today, enjoy tomorrow, enjoy everyday here, and once more, thank you.

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

Number of posts : 19977
Age : 35
Location : Somerset, UK
Position in Command : King
Reputation : 46
Points : 48459
Registration date : 2007-03-11

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