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South Korea puts the 'Cinderella Law' into effect

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South Korea puts the 'Cinderella Law' into effect Empty South Korea puts the 'Cinderella Law' into effect

Post by TheHidden01 Thu Nov 24, 2011 12:27 pm

South Korea puts the 'Cinderella Law' into effect Aion-korealaw-epl-1123

South Korea's burgeoning online gaming market has brought the country a great deal of business success, but it's also brought the dread specter of video game addiction to the forefront of public awareness. Hoping to curb addiction before it starts, the country has brought into effect a new law requiring all online games to block players under age 16 from playing between midnight and 6 a.m. Dubbed the "Cinderella Law," it also affects online services such as PlayStation Network and XBox Live.

As expected, the law has several vocal critics, who assert that the law infringes upon the civil rights of children. The Korea Association of Game Industry, a group including companies such as Nexon and NCsoft, is in the midst of preparing a lawsuit based on its claim that the law is excessively prohibitive. Of course, many gamers have been trying to circumvent the ban already by connecting to Western servers, which have no such restriction... although it could be argued that connecting to another country's servers just to play for a six-hour period sort of reinforces the whole argument about addiction.

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

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