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South Korea gaming curfew law unanimously passes committee

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South Korea gaming curfew law unanimously passes committee Empty South Korea gaming curfew law unanimously passes committee

Post by TheHidden01 Mon Apr 25, 2011 7:32 pm

South Korea gaming curfew law unanimously passes committee Koreangaming

Apparently the kids are not all right in South Korea, at least according to the adults who've passed a new law aimed at curtailing certain online gaming activities. A South Korean legislation and judiciary committee voted unanimously to adopt a law that will theoretically prevent kids under 15 from playing online between the hours and midnight and 6:00 a.m. reports that the new law also provides for the throttling of connection speeds for certain online games if it's determined that "children remained logged in for too many consecutive hours."

Details are scarce regarding how such a law could be enforced, but concerns over gaming addiction and gaming-related deaths are conspiring to drive the legislation forward. The next stop: A vote before the full South Korean National Assembly.

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