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NCsoft sued by 64-year-old woman over $28,000 sword

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NCsoft sued by 64-year-old woman over $28,000 sword Empty NCsoft sued by 64-year-old woman over $28,000 sword

Post by TheHidden01 Tue Oct 22, 2013 4:01 pm

NCsoft sued by 64-year-old woman over $28,000 sword Lineage1-1307363590

What would you do if you tried to enchant a rare in-game item worth $28,000 and it broke? One 64-year-old Lineage player sued NCsoft earlier this year. After unsuccessfully petitioning to have her rare Jin Myung Hwang's Conduct Sword restored by claiming her failed enchantment attempt (which destroys the item in Lineage) was accidental, the South Korean player sued NCsoft. The extremely rare sword could sell for $28,000.

Unfortunately, the plaintiff's game log showed that she bought special items to improve her odds at enchanting and she continued to enchant other items even after the destruction of the rare sword. The court's ruling was not in the player's favor, noting that even if it was a mistake, NCsoft was not required to restore the item.

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

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