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Red Posts: Authenticators and more...

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Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Empty Red Posts: Authenticators and more...

Post by General Yoghurt Wed Oct 10, 2012 4:01 pm

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Bigdragonorr

A round up of some of the important developer posts today on the GW2 forums.

On dungeons not awarding tokens until the end [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postRobert Hrouda: Hey there, thought I’d come weigh in on this.

First, sorry you’ve had such a rough time with Arah. It’s a long and tough cookie to crack, but it can be done. RoRo has good advice: step back and reassess the situation. Define a leader. Build a strategy, and execute.

Now, you brought up a great concept for the DR system rewarding unique boss deaths. While I certainly don’t like to jump the gun on making claims, our next patch SHOULD include a newly developed reward system for people who couldn’t make it to the end that should alleviate a bit of this “walking away with nothing” feeling you have.
Personally, I love that my content kills players and challenges them. I feel pretty kitteny though when my content beats someone into the ground and takes their lunch money. I at least want you to walk away with something more than a repair bill and some random blues, and folks here are working on that very thing.
That being said, our next patch SHOULD contain some revamped loot drops from bosses that have the chance of giving small token rewards (among other things), which should help alleviate that.
On mobile authenticators/account security [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postGaile Gray: As Mike O’Brien said, we will have a mobile authenticator very soon.
On the mystery monthly achievement [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postJeffrey Vaughn: This has been covered a couple of times, though I can’t find one of the other threads now. Anyway, the “survivor” achievement (which didn’t quite work reliably) was replaced with a to-be-announced achievement that’s tied to the upcoming October holiday content.
On the rumor of DR affecting the Mystic Forge and/or salvaging [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postLinsey Murdock: I just walked over to the programmer who implemented the DR system to ask if there is ANY way that there is some hidden bug that could be causing DR in Salvaging or the Mystic Forge. We discussed the way the system works and I am here to assure you all, that this is not possible. There is no hidden bug. The DR system does not come anywhere close to the Mystic Forge or Salvaging systems AND there certain triggers that are required for the DR system to kick in which simply can’t possibly be set by the Mystic Forge or Salvaging.

If we had DR in Salvaging or the Mystic Forge, we would tell you, just like we told you about the DR in other areas of the game. But for the sake of argument, let’s assume that you just don’t remotely trust what we say, and let’s look at this from another angle.

I want you guys to think about this a bit. Seriously. Why would we ever want to systematically discourage you from chucking things into the Forge or salvaging them as often or as fast as you want to? It is SO SO SO (I can’t stress this enough) important for items to be leaving the economy at a healthy ratio to the items being created and entering the economy, otherwise, there would be no economy.

Everything would pile up and pile up until everything was worth nothing because the supply would be endlessly higher than the demand.
Bottom line, DR systems exist to prevent players from generating too much currency and destroying the economy. Why would we have DR on the things that balance and fix the economy?
On high-end resource node respawn rates [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postDalmarus: Orichalcum ore is not affected by DR – the change in spawning was made with the October 1st patch:



Ancient wood, Orichalcum Ore, and Mithril Ore nodes respawn rate is now tied directly to characters and set to respawn one day after your character gathered from it.”
On the broken WvW jumping puzzles [Link]

Red Posts: Authenticators and more... Arenanet_logo_red_postJason King: Thanks for the reports! We’re aware of this issue and working towards a fix.
General Yoghurt
General Yoghurt
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