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An open letter to all Dragoons

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An open letter to all Dragoons Empty An open letter to all Dragoons

Post by TheHidden01 Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:53 am


As time has drifted by since our move to TOR, there has been alot of changes happening behind the scenes that you may not have noticed. Today though I wanted to clarify exactly what our plans are for the coming months while we transition into this new age of the Dragoons:-

Evolving in PvP

One of the things that has truly stood out for the Dragoons over the past few months has been the growth of newcomers to the Dragoons and our work towards training. I am very pleased to see several Dragoons growing, and everyone who has come to a training session, who has PvP'ed with us has grown. Heading into the future in GW2 and beyond this only exclamates not only what a fantastically skilled guild we are, but the hard work of everyone here is truly paying off.

It is always special to see one member helping another, it makes old leaders like myself shed a humble tear in our alpha male shells, but to see EVERY SINGLE MEMBER doing something to help others has me screaming my eyes out! Dragoons have always stood by each other, guided each other, and had each other's back, but our re-emphasis on helping each other, every man seeing the benefit of being there for one another is astonishingly brilliant, and it's exactly what we need to not only dominate like normal, but to extend further than even we may have imagined.


This leads me nicely onto my next point. When we were founded in 2006, we founded on being as successful as the other elitist guilds but without the elitism, royal expectation, or over-the-top guild running. Back then, the guilds were nothing like us, but with a massive increase in these so called "Guilds" that pollute our game, with their cliques, dramas, and kicks because you didn't gear up properly, those guilds from our past seem like amazingly successful stories.

When you join the Dragoons, when you're a member here, you're not a number, you're not "DRUID", you're Dorek, you're Kreed, you're YOU. You're not here because you whine like a bitch because something doesn't go your way. You're not here because you want to be the best and shit all over everyone until you achieve it (ironically we destroy these wannabes everyday). You're here because the people you play with, laugh with, train with, are people that matter to you. You're here because you know, no matter what battle it is, no matter what game it is, or mode, day, month or year, there is Dragoon that has your back. He wont run away from you to save his skin, she wont complain you are holding her back, he wont see you struggling and just group up with "better" players.

The people who are members here are people who give a shit about their members, they do everything they can to help one another, not only because that's the type of people we have, but because you know these people will do it all back two times more. The same people who were PvP'ing in MxO, AoC, CoH, CO, FE, WoW, DCU, WAR, APB, TOR, and soon to be GW2, among hundreds of games and MMOs, are the same people who will be killing everything in sight and doing everything for this guild.

We are not "an old school" guild that has "veterans" sitting on a forum saying how great they are and how modern MMOs suck because they can't wit, or click their way to PvP victory. We are not a guild that recruits heavy, and kicks heavy, or rejects you because your dildo isn't the right colour.

We are The Dragoon Brotherhood, the best fucking guild at what we do. That's a relaxed, successful atmosphere full of gamers that give a shit, but who are relaxed enough to joke and laugh while we crush wannabe PvP guilds. We are the guys who understand winning doesn't happen in one game, we train hard, learn hard, and relish in defeat knowing that as great as we are, we can get even better.

We talk a big game, I'm typing a big game, that's not because we have a chip on our shoulders, it's because this guild actually has passion for what it is. It isn't lifeless, it has award ceremonies, guild wide massive events, and yearly members that stay with us year, after year, after year.

To all Dragoons, it's been a great fucking ride, I've had nights full of tears of laughter, learning, and most importantly full of fun with people I consider real friends.

Why am I writing this? Because Guild Wars 2 is coming, and with a game with real world PvP, with a game with arena PvP that actually goes somewhere, we are stepping into a new age. We will take everything we are, and more, and over the next few months, we will be doing alot of work to not only enrich what we have, but to grow even further.

So thank you, to all who wear this tag at the moment, and welcome to all those that will soon be wearing our tag.

I guarentee, love us, hate us, wannbe us, we will leave a mark that you will never remove.


Death to celebrate shits that don't matter

As was declared publically the Hall of Fame is officially dead. The Hall of Fame has always been a prestigeous event celebrating members who have had a significant impact on this guild. Now, we have members in this guild who are Hall of Famers, and rightfully so, they are fantastic people that do everything for this guild. We have had members who have moved on with their lives, wished their best, been no-drama and are remembered with affection, but the vast majority of honestly, cunts, in the Hall of Fame, are bastards that don't deserve to be there. These shits shouldn't be celebrated, they shouldn't be welcomed. The fucks who have left shouldn't be fucking invited back either, that was a mistake I made, and will not make again.

Day in, and day out, I always care, and think only for YOU, and although I take a pitstop for these "past members", I wont piss on YOU by honouring twats that don't deserve to be enshrined.

Starting this year we will have an All-Star week, celebrating every member, the schedule isn't final but to give you an idea of the base plans:-

1) All-Star Evening - We will announce 5 current members who have had the biggest positive impact on this guild.
2) "Thank You Night" - This is when we will prostate ourselves, particularly me to you, for every member in this guild.
3) Dorek Appreciation Night - Dorek has been an Underboss for 1 year and we will honour him for what an amazing job he has done.
4) Fun events and random shit - To balance the face lick we will have plenty of fun events to celebrate the members of this guild.

So far this is all scheduled to begin between 22-29th April 2012.

Forum Changes

What you may not know is that our public forums that has always been partly visible and partly open, has gone completely private. If you're not a registered user on this forum, you can see nothing, and the only registered members on this forum are members of this guild. The closest to an outsider you will get is a Potential. To reflect this change the forums need an overhaul and this will be carried out very soon.

To add, the website is going through several "appearence" changes. We will see whether the forums go through the same changes.

Preparing for GW2

We prepared for TOR, it worked, but I want better, heading in GW2, I want to do so much more to prepare. Expect GW2 focused evenings, better handling of preparation, and doing everything we can to make our venture to GW2 the greatest venture yet.

Tidying our yearly calender, and overhauling every part

Finally we will be analysing everything. Not not like we did before TOR, MORE SO. Yes, (if we could do more), we will be looking at every little thing in this guild. Not for GW2, not for TOR, but for everything this guild has going forward.


That's alot of typing, but hopefully that's a quick overview of what's going on inside of a leader who is more devoted to you than your wife.

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

Number of posts : 19977
Age : 35
Location : Somerset, UK
Position in Command : King
Reputation : 46
Points : 48458
Registration date : 2007-03-11

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