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What stereotypes get your goat within the MMO community?

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What stereotypes get your goat within the MMO community? Empty What stereotypes get your goat within the MMO community?

Post by TheHidden01 Fri Mar 25, 2011 4:33 pm

What stereotypes get your goat within the MMO community? Tdg-goat-epl-324

"Everyday we take the Massive daily posts and bring them to Dragoon discussions. We would like to thank Massively for their original content."

It's easy to paint every single MMO player with a broad stroke, but the fact of the matter is that we've all got our quirks and our preferences. Even within the larger community we tend to pigeonhole people by their playstyles and games of choice, even though we know those stereotypes aren't accurate. Not everyone who plays World of Warcraft is part of the mass of braying donkeys that passes for a community, not every Second Life player engages in work-unsafe activities while playing, and there are plenty of Darkfall players who would be hard-pressed to survive in a fair PvP matchup.

But the stereotypes don't stop with the games you play. There's a long-held assumption that roleplayers can't play the game well, PvPers are antisocial and nasty, and PvE players are only concerned with shiny loot over challenge. We all know the preconceptions, but what ones really bothers you? Which assumptions do you feel are patently false, and which ones seem to hold true from your experience?

Dragoon King
Dragoon King

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